Monday, March 22, 2010


I have a few goals:

1. Fix a broken education system.
2. Eliminate welfare/poverty cycle.
3. End Gang Violence among youth.

Kinda big dreams. I am a 25 year old woman who has been married 1 year and 8 months. I have a yellow lab and three cats. My husband is in veterinary school. I have been living, as my best friend told me tonight, "on a temporary basis". I am in a constant state of limbo - always counting down to when I move back to southern California. Never making an effort to make here my home. I dropped out of law school to change the world.

This blog is going to be a documentation of my attempt. The past year and some change I have worked as a drug and alcohol/anger management counselor in some pretty rough areas of Sacramento. A blonde, 25 year old white girl trying to tell these mainly Black and Hispanic high school/ junior high kids how they should say no to drugs! and why can't you just use "I" statements and not get in a fight?? Gangs are like so totally pointless!!? Hopefully through all the injustice, modern day failure of education, and abuse of the government welfare system - I can find some humor in the day to day through this blog. And ! not lose my identity as the San Diegan who spent a fabulous four years at UCSB.


  1. You can do it!!!!! Just start with the first starfish on the beach and begin throwing them in one at a time. At least you will save a few.
