Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One step at a time ???

So today I decided to wear high heels. Now this may not come as a complete shock, but the past year I have slowly resorted to wearing flats .... eek with socks! Practical has begun to outweigh fashion. If Holly saw me she might exclaim, "what's going on with you today?!" Well I began my day today sauntering into the campus of the infamous continuation jr. high school in my fabulous heels.

I strode into a campus where the staff are worried and focused on whether their jobs and their campus will even exist next year. Most of them have been "pinked" aka pink slipped, warned they probably won't be employed the next school year.

My next fashionable stilleto step was into a school yard where my anger management client was squaring off to fight another boy on the basket ball court. The school police officer ran past me in his hard black boots breaking up the fight.

I tried to keep up in my heels with the student as we were walking laps while listening to his story of near overdose on ecstasy pills and cocaine the previous day.

Looking forward to sitting at my desk and giving my designer clad feet a rest, I was stopped and asked to talk to the same angry boy from the school yard and calm him down.
I rounded up my group of students to talk about marijuana and managed to reign them in while prancing around the campus.
I took a step into the group room (more commonly known as the cafeteria) and was in awe at a group of six 13 year old boys who listened respectfully to the typical blonde in fab high heels. Renewed, I stepped lively out of the group to find a girl in crisis. I sat with her until she had to go back to her group home.

As I took my final proud steps to my little red Honda in my southern Californian high heels I now know each day is a small step toward my goals - that today I mattered on that campus and looked amazing while doing so ;).